Kings Mountain Art Fair and Digital Art

We are excited to be displaying at the Kings Mountain Art Fair this Labor Day Weekend! Come see our spacious display (now with twice the space!) along with 134 other juried artists among the redwood trees near Woodside (juried means that artists are only accepted if chosen by a panel of judges, so in general the vendors will be top shelf). If you’ve never been before it is worth the trip!


Print prices have gone up since we’ve come around to another September, but mention this and we’ll be happy to give you last (fiscal) year’s prices. We will be located in space 99 between the firehouse and Skyline Blvd.


Dori is debuting her digital art pieces, Ice 9 and The Last Frontiers, which combine photographs we’ve taken, in surreal ways.


Saturday, Sunday & Monday
September 1, 2 & 3 2018
10 am – 5 pm
The Last Frontiers
Ice 9
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