Fremont Festival of the Arts, Kings Mountain Art Fair, and Mountain View Art and Wine Festival

It’s the end of a productive summer of photography in the Eastern Sierra as we approach the second half of the festival season. We will be at the Fremont Festival of Arts August 4th and 5th, Kings Mountain Art Fair Labor Day weekend (September 1-3), and the Mountain View Art and Wine Festival September 8th and 9th. We will update our specific location at each festival as we learn them.

Last years work focused heavily on Yosemite and the record snowfall, but this year focused on the Eastern Sierra since we now have a base in Mammoth Lakes. Tim spent ten days on the trail with tripod in hand hiking to different Bristlecone Pine groves, rich turquoise glacial melt lakes, and sharp craggy peaks along the spine of the Sierra. Also, we rounded out photographing all the National Parks of California, Oregon, and Washington. Mention this post and we’ll be happy to offer 10% off anything in our new work gallery until September 10, 2018.

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