Exhibit at the Mohr Gallery June Through September

Exhibit at the Mohr Gallery June Through September

Flow: Shaped By Wind and Water Photography Exhibit Premieres at the Mohr Gallery in Mountain View

Local landscape photography focuses on conservation and outreach to burgeoning artists at CSMA

Mountain View, CA, 6/15/2021 —  After a year of delay due to shelter-in-place shutdowns, the Mohr Gallery is reopening at the Community School of Music and Arts (CSMA) at 230 San Antonio Circle in Mountain View with its newest exhibit by local landscape photographer Tim Aston, entitled Flow: Shaped by Wind and Water.

Aston is a science teacher at Gunn High School in Palo Alto, was born and raised in Los Altos, and until recently lived for many years in Mountain View. His award-winning photographs highlight the majesty of the West, focusing mostly on California’s diverse ecosystems, from sea (and below) to summit. Each of the 14 images displayed at the gallery is accompanied by a written description of the natural processes that shape the land and recommendations for how people can conserve our local treasures. The exhibit will be open Mondays through Saturdays (closed Sundays) 9:00am-6:00pm from June 16, 2021 through September 17, 2021. There will be a reception hosted by the Mohr Gallery on August 28, 2021 from 4-6PM with a brief introduction by the artist and small individually-packed refreshments for guests. You can check out their blog to read an interview with Tim.

The images are processed with a naturalistic touch to match as closely as possible what the eye sees during the most dynamic weather and lighting conditions. This is done with the intent to inspire viewers to protect and, if able, visit these lands. The Mohr Gallery is a perfect partner as it shares space with the CSMA music and arts school, where new artists can spend time between classes learning about California’s geology as well as photography techniques that make this interpretation possible. The exhibit is open to the general public with no admission charge, and prints will be available for sale through CSMA’s office and on www.astonmyerphotography.com.

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